Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Position Map

I decided to create a position map for coffee shops around Union Square in New York City, since that area is filled with students and we all know that coffee is a necessity in a student's life; therefore I thought that it would be interesting to evaluate the successes or failures of these  coffee brands. A perceptual brand map is an excellent tool to help understand optimal product positioning. Brand's are known to occupy a space in a consumer's mind while other brands compete within that space. Since people use specific criteria in order to evaluate the brand, and easier way to draw out information is to structure the map depending on what the consumer values. Therefore I thought of four big criteria sections: 1) a comfortable environment, 2) Wide choice, 3) limited choice, 4) wide choice. Based on that I was able to position the different coffee shops around Union Square on the map and I was able to draw out some interesting information. Two of the important criteria used by consumers when they are making judgements in the marketplace are the typres of environment created by the location and the range of coffe that is offered. One can notice that MacDonald's is the fastest delivery environment however, their choice of coffee is extremely limited, while Caffe Nero has a much more comfortable environment and a wide range of coffee drinks available for example. Book Shop caffe creates a comfortable environment with a limited range of coffee choices while The Bean is a fast delivery environment with a wider choice of coffees. This is not to say that one is better than the other just different. As a result this helps inform decision about a brand marketing.

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