From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, design is constantly around us. We as human beings sometimes take that for granted or don't even realize how important design is in our everyday life. After watching the documentary objectified and reading some articles that focus on product evaluation and what makes a product good or bad, I was able to really notice how big of an effect products and designers have in our life. Every single one of these object has a story, and a group of engineers and designers behind it that spend hours trying to put together a product that facilitates our daily routines. For a whole day I wanted to note down almost all the designed products I use on a regular day. As the day went buy I noticed my list getting bigger and bigger and it was then that I realized that if design or products did not exist my life and all of our lives would just not function the same. The first product I use in the morning is my alarm clock, ten I brush my teeth and shower, wear my bathrobe, pick out my clothes use the hairdryer, put some make up on, head to the kitchen feed the dog, put his leach on take him down, (meanwhile Ive used my phone and an ipod to put on some music), I use the elevator to go down, my key to reenter my building, finally I make my coffee using my nespresso machine and cut myself some fruits using a knife. I've only gone through less than a quarter of my day and I realized that I've already used at least fifteen designed products. However, throughout my morning experience I noticed that there were some product that functioned a lot better than others. The product that was the most efficient and easiest to use was the Nespresso coffee machine. Nespresso is a coffe machine that was created in 1976 by Eric Favre in Switzerland and has been an enormous success ever since. I find the machine extremely easy to use, the buttons indicate exactly what you are suppose to do, and you result with a coffee that could be even better than starbuck's coffee straight from your own kitchen at home. Besides the function, Nespresso machines are also very visually appealing, they come in different sizes and colors and most of their forms are rounded, therefore it creates an organic feel to the product. In order for the machine to produce coffee, one must buy the disposable capsules, those could be found online or at the nespresso store. I have to say that that's the only annoying or frustrating aspect of the coffee making process. A way to improve that would be to make capsules more available in supermarkets, or maybe having a capsule that would last for more than one cup of coffee. Finally another argument that I can also point out is the prices of the machine and the capsules, tehy are priced pretty high which makes it also hard for it to be available for everyone. Moreover, in my opinion the worst product that I used that morning was the hairdryer. A hairdryer or a blowdryer is a electromechanical device, designed to blow cool or hot air over wet damp hair in order to accelerate the drying of the hair process. Although the buttons on the hairdryer are usually easy to use and indicate exactly what you need to do most of the time, there are still so many elements about that product that make the use of the hairdryer a frustrating process. First of all the product is big and bulky, it is heavy, hard to transport and during trips it takes up a lot of room in a suitcase, however travelling with is necessary for most women. In addition the cord is too long or too short, it is never the right size, it gets tangled into everything such as the knobs or the drawer and it knocks over most of the products on my dresser. But the most frustrating aspect in this product is the noise that a blowdryer makes. The noise of a blowdryer is the worst thing to hear in the morning, especially if its not you using the actual machine. We live in such an advanced world that people have been able to facilitate and improve a large number of products that are used every day, however we still havent managed to find a way to reduce or eliminate the noise of a blowdryer ( even though the world we live in today meets all the capabilities of having an improved and easier to use hairdryer.)
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