Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Era of Technology

In our world today, one of the most important tools for all designers is technology and computerization. In the past decade, one can find an infinite number of new designs that revolve around computerization. Designers are no longer attracted to pen and paper; a screen in front of their desks has taken over. The Nook, created by Barnes and Nobles for example is a computerized device that has transformed our hardcopy books into virtual ones through the use of technology. This design not only changes the fact that our physical libraries have disappeared but it also has a great positive input to the state of the world we live in.
            Nowadays, being ecologically friendly is extremely crucial, our planet is relying on its inhabitants to survive, and therefore every individual input is important. The Nook has helped the planet, by saving the use of resources, such as paper and energy. We, as human beings are so used to using an excess amount of paper everyday, we do it unconsciously, through the use of printers, flyers, legal documents, homework assignments etc.… However, due to the vulnerable state of our planet today, our ways have to change in order for us to save our environment. And this is where the invention of the Nook comes into play. Our responsibility is to shift and transition our designs from a server based economy to product-service system.
            The Nook, is the biggest thing that happened to the publishing industry since the invention of paper. It was released in 2009 and it is an electronic book created by American retail Barnes and Nobles. Readers can purchase and download their books within seconds and begin reading. The Nook also allows you to lend, borrow, and buy an infinite number of different stories. Instead of having to carry a bulk of books with us, one single machine can have all these books stored into one place. Also, the Nook has a built in light that helps the reader read more comfortably. It is the first electronic book that has a colored touch screen, and voted to be the best out of the three existing ones: The Sony E-Reader, the Kindle and the Nook. It has allowed unknown writers to publish their books due to the huge increase in e-book sales, which has opened many opportunities for young and unknown writers that were struggling to publish their books.

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